Neurology & Neurosurgery
We apply all treatments in the field of neurology and neurosurgery with our experienced doctors and surgeons in our contracted modern healthcare facilities where the latest developments in technology are applied.
What is Aneurysm Surgery?
Current treatment modality for aneurysms of the aorta and brain vessels is surgery. Aneurysm surgery includes all methods utilized against the risk of rupture as a result of severe dilatation in some cases and against aneurysm bleedings in some cases.
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Deep Brain Stimulation surgeries can be performed while the patient is awake or under anesthesia. This depends on the disease and the physician’s decision. In awake surgery, surgeons make a small hole under local anesthesia and place the electrodes to the locations pre-determined by the brain map. Although patients are conscious during the procedure while electrodes are being adjusted, they do not feel pain. The neurostimulator (brain pacemaker) is implanted under the skin, generally in the chest wall. Therefore, general anesthesia is applied to prevent feeling of pain during the surgery.
Brain Tumors
Modern surgical techniques in the treatment of brain tumors can achieve successful results. The aim of the operation is the removal of the tumors either entirely or partially. Microsurgery is performed under the guidance of a biopsy and microscope. A fine needle biopsy is done at a site near the tumor to determine the type of the tumor during the operation. Microsurgery is preferred to remove the entire tumor in the brain. The microsurgery method can also be used to decrease the intracranial pressure and to eliminate the symptoms caused by the tumor.
Radiation and chemotherapy are also used for the treatment of brain tumors. The size, location, and type of tumor, as well as the health status of the patient, determines the type of treatment.
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